It is easy to look at it now and say it is ugly, but for the PlayStation 2, I think that they did a decent job here. The presentation is trying to be like the horse racing that you would see on TV and I think Gallop Racer 2006 does a decent enough job in this regard. Oh, one thing that is pretty cool is that you can also place bets on your horses in the game which I thought was pretty neat. Once you figure it out, things are fine, but I am sure many people will lose interest before they truly get to grips with what they have to do here. There is so much stuff that you have to keep an eye on and there is even this weird slot machine thing (another meter) that will pop up to give you a boost. The relationship between the horse and jockey is important, how they react to a crowd, their starting position, and so on. It is not just a case of how fast the horse is and how much stamina they have. Now, once the horse racing takes place you have a whole bunch of meters that you need to keep an eye on.

To start with, the horses have a ton of different stats and they all are important, and learning what these stats are for someone like me who is not familiar with the world of horse racing was really tough. The main thing that really threw me when I was playing Gallop Racer 2006 was how you ride the actual horse! This is a very, very complicated game to understand. So while there is not a dedicated story mode in the game, it does have more than enough in its main game mode to keep people who are into this kind of thing busy. You can also breed your horses was really interesting in that the horses you breed will pass on their traits to the horses that they then produce. The main game mode sees you having to take your horse or horses and try and win as many titles as possible. Anyway, I have to say this is not an arcade style of horse racing game at all, this may look like it is an arcade style of game, but there is so much to manage here that it does have a very hard barrier of entry for people to get comfortable with the game.

I wanted to play a horse racing game and as this one had a bit longer development time than the other PlayStation 2 games in this series so I thought this would be the best one to go for. I went into Gallop Racer 2006 pretty blind if I am being honest with you.